My Life With Bees- A New Approach

By Miguel Angel

When I started working with bees, I realized I could include other groups of beings in my life’s reality. That makes me feel that my life is integrating with a much bigger world.

When I start to work on the beehive, I empty my mind and ask permission to enter their house. I also convey the purpose of the visit.

That way, I am open to their ways, show respect, and learn something new about the amazing way the colony lives.

In reality, each bee is a cell, and the hive is an entire organism with perfect organization. Bees have their own GPS, know when and where to find food, and are able to communicate that information to the whole colony. Recently, it was discovered that they know math, and they work in total harmony as a unit, although there are about 10,000 bees in each hive.

It is a humble experience to observe how organized and cooperative they are.

What kind of mind or entity governs the lovely little creatures?

Where did they learn the perfect methods for producing the delicious nectar that we enjoy so diligently? In addition, the fact that they work so hard to continue giving it to us so selflessly always leaves me with a tremendous sense of gratitude.

Not only can we enjoy the sweetness of honey, but it also has many qualities that can heal our bodies.

The following paragraph of one of the Cafh messages portrays very well the life of the little bees:

“Cafh, as a human group, is a living being with a mission in the Plan of the evolution of Humanity.

Each of us is Cafh, and we have a mission: to live the Mysticism of the Heart. We are all called upon to develop a nobler way of feeling in our hearts, in the Divine Presence, to learn to recognize the Divine Presence in other things. We are called upon to become inwardly as nothing to be able to be in the whole.”

That paragraph depicts how the beehive lives, with selflessness and for the good of all. It is an excellent teaching for me that the humble little bee is giving to the world and is allowing me to take in my heart an entirely new way of looking and living.

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